
Thursday, October 8, 2020

Did you get your $1200? For many, this might seem to be a silly question, but to the homeless it's not commonly known. When I first heard about this I thought, "Wow, this could actually lift a lot of people off the floor of poverty" - possibly more money than many have ever seen. So I made the following flyer to let people know. If you'd like to help, I've included a printable PDF on Scribd below. The deadline for registration for Covid Stimulus money is October 15th. All anyone needs is a name, Social Security Number and an address for the check. Please make sure as many of our less fortunate friends know. You could save a life:)
To print your own flyers, go here. There are three to a sheet you can cut by hand.

$1200 (#iTOMB Black) by David Everitt-Carlson on Scribd

We've moved! Check out our new (under construction) site, built in January, but then put on hold due to Covid on March the 9th. I look forward to the day when we can resume painting in public again but think it's best to wait until everyone thinks it's safe to be together again.